XNSPY- Track Current location & Cell Phone Location History

Children and teens often tend to lie about their whereabouts when asked and same goes for your employees. XNSPY lets you track their location history through their phones and tablets so you can know exactly where they have been at any given time or throughout the day.




tracking works?



tracking works?

Find out how XNSPY tracks location of the monitored user and what other location tracking features you can access.

What is XNSPY Location History Monitoring?

With XNSPY, you can remotely track cell phone location of your children or employees through their mobile phones or tablets. You can check all the places they have been to at any time and from anywhere.

What is XNSPY Location History Monitoring?

With XNSPY, you can remotely track cell phone location of your children or employees through their mobile phones or tablets. You can check all the places they have been to at any time and from anywhere.

  • Fast and efficient cell phone current location tracker.
  • Checklist of all places visited.
  • Check the date and time of each visited location.
  • Monitor latitude, longitude and street addresses for each location.

GPS Locator app?

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Cómo instalar XNSPY
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Cómo funciona XNSPY
XNSPY es extremadamente fácil de usar. Esta sección le guiará acerca de cómo funciona XNSPY y cómo se puede utilizar para controlar todos los teléfonos de destino o tabletas de forma remota.

Faster and more accurate than the rest

While the accuracy of the results depends on the built-in GPS location services of a device, how quickly those registered locations are accessible to you is determined by the app that you use for location tracking. We call Xnspy cell phone’s exact location tracker for a reason. It’s fast and works all the time without any trouble.

Preguntas frecuentes

Cuestiones generales

Can I Track Cell Phone Location In Real Time Using XNSPY?

XNSPY can track the exact location of the monitored user and that too in in real time if there is a strong internet connection available on the monitored device. Note that a new location will only be registered with XNSPY if there is a displacement on the monitored device. If the monitored device isn’t moving, XNSPY will only register a single location stamp.

How Accurate Is The Location Monitoring On XNSPY?

XNSPY uses a device’s existing location/GPS services to track its location. If you are going to monitor an iOS device, make sure that “Find My iPhone” is enabled on it.

Can I Monitor GPS Location If The Target Device’s Built-In Location Services Are Disabled?

XNSPY GPS tracking app will only work if the location services are enabled on the target device.

Can I Track The Monitored Phone’s Location History If There Is No Internet Connection?

XNSPY needs a working internet connection for its GPS tracking to work. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If there is no internet connection on the monitored Android device, XNSPY will still register all the visited locations, but they will only be uploaded once the device connects to the internet. If you are using XNSPY No Jailbreak and there is no internet connection on the monitored device, you will have to wait for the next iCloud backup.

Why Do I Need “Find My iPhone” Enabled On The Target iOS Device To Track Its GPS Location?

XNSPY requires "Find My iPhone” activated on the target device for the location tracking to work.

Can I Spy On Samsung Phone Using Xnspy?

Yes, it’s possible for you to monitor a Samsung phone using Xnspy. However, we don’t endorse any illegal use of our software, like spying on someone’s Samsung phone without their consent.

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XNSPY no le dejará solo con su suscripción, porque para nosotros, su satisfacción está por encima de todo lo demás, ¡y con eso nos comprometemos a ofrecerle sólo la mejor experiencia de aplicación de espionaje móvil!

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