XNSPY Wi-Fi Network Logs Monitoring

Xnspy has introduced a first-of-its-kind spying feature that gives you subtle details about where they have been through their Wi-Fi network logs. Whether it’s businesses or households, Wi-Fi networks are usually named after a relevant entity. Like a Donut shop named after its brand name or ‘Jennifer’s home’ for the woman named Jennifer. The Wi-Fi networks logs give you a preview of where they like to visit frequently or have visited during a certain timeline.


What is XNSPY Wi-Fi Network Logs Monitoring?

You won’t find anything about the Wi-Fi logs monitoring on the internet because it’s not something normally thought of. But XNSPY goes beyond the normal so you could get every teeny-tiny details of where they had been. XNSPY lets you view:

What is XNSPY Wi-Fi Network Logs Monitoring?

You won’t find anything about the Wi-Fi logs monitoring on the internet because it’s not something normally thought of. But XNSPY goes beyond the normal so you could get every teeny-tiny details of where they had been. XNSPY lets you view:

  • Log of every signed-in Wi-Fi Network
  • Name of every Wi-Fi Network
  • Date and Time for every Wi-Fi login.
  • Location of the signed-in Wi-Fi connection

Wi-Fi Network Logs Monitoring?

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Cuestiones generales

Is It Possible To See The Monitored Wi-Fi Connections’ Security Type?

For now, it’s not possible to do that. But we do understand the significance of it and will come up with it in the future.

Is There Any Extra Fee For The Wi-Fi Network Logs Monitoring?

No, there’s no additional fee. Wi-Fi network logs monitoring comes free with every Xnspy Android subscription.

Which Mobile Operating Systems Are Compatible With The Wi-Fi Network Logs Monitoring Feature?

The feature is only available on Android due to platform restrictions on the iOS and other mobile devices.

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