Editorial Policy
- Areas of editorial policy regulation
- Our ethical guidelines
- The editorial process for content creation
- The editorial policies for blog articles
- Controversial issues
- Conflict of interest
- Collaboration and feedback
- Disclaimer
We know that trust has to be earned, so we think it’s important to share how the HeyLocate.mobi electronic information system creates accurate, precise, relevant, and evidence-based content.
Finding information about technology and people on the Internet is easy — it’s everywhere. But finding reliable, relevant, and helpful information is difficult and even tedious. The electronic technology information system HeyLocate.mobi changes all that. We make information about technology and data clear and accessible so that you can make the best and most informed decisions regarding your safety and that of your loved ones.
Areas of Editorial Policy Regulation
The current editorial policy of the HeyLocate.mobi electronic information system regulates the following areas of activity and communication of the HeyLocate.mobi website (from now on referred to as the Site) with customers
- the main page of the Site;
- navigation of all pages of the Site;
- service pages;
- blog articles, reviews, digests, news announcements;
- email newsletter, and pop-up notifications.
Our Ethical Guidelines
The principles of the HeyLocate.mobi electronic information system that guides our work and that organizes and defines all areas of editorial policy regulation are as follows:
#1 Credibility
We take great care to ensure that all information on the Site is accurate and up-to-date. An editorial team of experts, including technical experts and marketing specialists, are the Site’s censors, ensuring that photos are chosen correctly, and that blog posts are accurate.
#2 Relevance
The Site contains only current information, edited as it becomes available and changed in official sources.
#3 Usefulness
We ensure that all information on the Site is helpful to users, enlightening, answering questions, and solving problems.
#4 Responsibility
HeyLocate.mobi electronic information system is fully responsible for all materials and information published on the Site. We guarantee the accuracy, relevance, reliability, and timeliness of all materials posted on the Site.
#5 Scientific Reasonableness
We do not use unverified facts and data, and in our materials, we rely solely on official and verified sources of information. Each type of content is subject to mandatory verification by an expert member of the editorial team of HeyLocate.mobi electronic information system.
#6 Sources of information
Sources of information on HeyLocate.mobi include:
1. An official source — a reliable primary source with evidence-based and irrefutable data.
Official sources include:
- U.S. Federal Register;
- The United States Social Security Administration;
- Federal Trade Commission;
- Official Guide to Government Information and Services;
- FBI.
2. Verified source — a primary source (scientific article, dissertation, review of scientific research), which has convincing but not sufficiently reliable data, needs to be verified for reliability by an expert. It undergoes a mandatory verification by an authorized censor with higher technical education on the compliance of the facts with reality and scientific proof.
Each type of content on the Site is accompanied by an “Official Source” or “Verified Source” status.
#7 Literacy and Accuracy
Editorial work is performed on each text to ensure that all material on the Site is published without errors or unspecified details. We monitor spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, linguistic and semantic literacy, and accurate presentation of information.
#8 Uniqueness
We do not plagiarize. All our articles are checked for uniqueness and are only allowed to be published if the uniqueness of the material reaches 95% and more, according to the copyscape.com or grammarly.com services.
#9 Accessibility
All information posted on HeyLocate.mobi electronic information system should be accessible and understandable for the public. The use of ambiguous, unspecified, and vague words, phrases, and expressions and terminology of narrow specialization without clarification and specification of the semantic and semantic orientation is not allowed.
Each type of content must be as complete and revealing as possible on all issues on the topic covered.
#10 Legality
All content on the Site must comply with the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17) and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code and do not infringe on the copyright of the sources. Plagiarism is prohibited.
All information is subject to deep and careful revision and amendment. A hyperlink to the original source is provided verbatim when using data from an official or verified source.
#11 Diversity and Respect
We aim to create content that respects and represents individuals of all ages, nationalities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, relationship statuses, physical and mental abilities, and family structures with dignity and inclusivity.
The editorial process of content creation
We speak plainly about complex topics and avoid using technical and scientific terminology without revealing the meaning of terms in easy-to-understand language.
Our mission
Our goal is to be your most trusted ally in your quest to become educated about telecom and social media. We want to be someone you can trust and won’t let you down. That’s why we prove our reliability in every type of content.
Content creation process
The editorial and technical experts of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi are committed to creating high-quality, relevant, valuable, and accurate content by adhering to the highest journalistic standards in telecommunications and social media. We are committed to providing comprehensive, unbiased, honest, and timely advice and practical tips, news, reviews, guidelines, and instructions.
Technical experts
The technical content of the heylocate.mobi electronic information system is created based on facts, scientific data, and official or verified sources. It is reviewed by qualified authors, editors, developers, engineers, marketers, and other specialist advisory teams who share and support the views of our editorial team.
The content of the sociocultural sphere of life is created with no less scrupulousness. It is based on the authoritative opinions and conclusions of experts. However, it may contain data unconfirmed by science, since the fields of science do not fully cover all areas of human life and its interests. In the entertainment categories of the blog, we may address empirically unsupported topics but common and relevant to people with different points of view.
Our content verification process
Our team of technical censors can be counted on to be experts in a wide range of technical fields, with advanced degrees, extensive practice, and research experience.
Our authors
The electronic information system heylocate.mobi carefully evaluates all potential authors of articles. Before we publish an article, we make sure the content authors are experts in the subject area covered in the content and that they have relevant life experience.
We train editorial contributors in best practices for research journalism, identifying opinion leaders and professional experts, and providing regular feedback and ongoing training.
Our References, Sources, and Citations
We have strict rules for primary source selection, as we rely on peer-reviewed research, academic research institutions, government agencies, and technical associations. Our editorial policy spelled out the list of sources whose information is considered official hard data.
Each article is carefully researched, and sources are checked for relevance, reliability, and objectivity.
Primary sources, including studies, scholarly references, and statistical data, are cited as active references in each article.
Our Updates
The editorial staff of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi constantly monitors technical, scientific, and sociocultural developments. When new information appears, we update the articles.
We have an established article maintenance schedule, which means that we update content on an annual basis, but updates can be made in advance in such cases:
- the appearance of new proven information that refutes a previous position;
- new technical recommendations;
- market entry or departure of specialized services;
- change of important practical suggestions;
- a request from readers is arguing for a change in irrelevant or unreliable content.
A reader may contact us to alert us to a potential problem with our content, such as inaccurate, outdated, unclear, or inconsistent information. If this happens, we respond immediately and take action.
The editorial team and technical experts review the feedback received, determine what changes need to be made to the content, and republish updated information.
Our tone of voice
We speak clearly and accessible, warmly and domestically, but our voice is bold and progressive.
Our tone of voice emphasizes simplicity, accuracy, empathy, and inclusiveness. Positivity is essential because we want to inspire hope and bring joy, not drown readers in negativity. We use positive language that encourages proactive action to change one’s lifestyle for the better.
At all levels of communication with readers and customers, we adhere to consciousness and try to deliver information as accessible and understandable to anyone as possible.
We’re excited to hear your opinion
We are determined to provide you with only the most positive experiences and helpful information. That’s why we’d love to get feedback from you with feedback, questions, and comments because your opinion will help us achieve more.
The editorial policy for blog articles
#1 Direction of the blog
The blog of electronic information system heylocate.mobi is a vast information resource that includes sections of both social and technical orientation:
- telecom technologies;
- people search services;
- social media;
- family & relationship sphere (parental control etc.);
- telecom and technical news;
- reviews of apps and services;
- how-to, guides, and instructions.
Blog electronic information system heylocate.mobi is designed to inform the public on technology issues in a global sense.
#2 Style
In blog articles of a general educational and informational nature, it is necessary to adhere to a journalistic style. Humorous, colloquial, and metaphorical turns are acceptable where it is needed to emphasize the emotional component or the aim is to induce action.
In articles on technical topics, descriptions of algorithms, software, and statistical research, a scientific (academic) style are used.
#3 Structure of the article
The article should include the following structural elements:
- Title H1.
- A brief introduction devoted to the article’s topic and containing no insignificant and uninformative phrases.
- Top Pick of services as editors’ choice for a certain topic based on our research and services’ comprehensive reviews with testing.
- Subheadings H2 divide the article into thematically separated blocks that are logically connected.
- H3 subheadings may be used when necessary.
- Use numbered (complex) and bulleted (simple) lists where possible and necessary.
- Introducing visual content in the text of the article in the form of thematically selected illustrations, collages and evenly distributed throughout the text.
- Infographic by HeyLocate designers with official statistics or other useful information, where it is appropriate.
- The bottom of the article reports on other articles on similar topics, with links to these materials.
- A conclusion contains a brief summary regarding the article and summarizes the entire volume of the material presented.
#4 Rules of compiling lists
The article may contain two types of lists.
Numbered (example):
- List.
- List.
- List.
Labeled (example):
- list;
- list;
- list.
Rules for making a numbered list:
- A numbered list is a complex list. It contains an extended sentence or several sentences.
- The first letter in each new paragraph of the list is capital (large).
- A period is placed at the end of each item.
Rules for a bulleted list:
- a simple list;
- the items contain a word or a phrase;
- the first letter is lowercase (small);
- a semicolon at the end.
#5 Words, sentences, paragraphs
- The use of profanity and coarse words and expressions is unacceptable.
- The positioning of the author in the text of the article — in the first person, using the pronoun “we” or “I.”
- The name of the service can be spelled as follows: Electronic information system, Public Information Search Engine HeyLocate.mobi and HeyLocate (in the case of referring to a website).
- It is better to use short and clear sentences without introducing complex constructions.
- Each paragraph should be no more than 700 characters. Small paragraphs are more readable.
#6 Text parameters
Each text is checked through the service grammarly.com. According to this service, the text parameters should be as follows:
- an overall score of more than 80 points;
- plagiarism < 15%;
- no critical errors.
The articles are also checked through the Copyscape service.
#7 Accompanying visual content
The author of the article selects illustrations to match the topic of the written material.
Images can be taken from free stock photo banks, are made as screenshots or GIF from the reviewed services, or created as unique images by HeyLocate designers or AI-tools.
List of photobanks:
Images of the following nature are not allowed:
- erotica and pornography;
- violent scenes;
- nude intimate body parts.
Checking the permissibility of an image is done through the image checking service. It is allowed to use an image that has no more than 2 checkboxes in the “Safe Search” tab for each of the listed parameters.
To comply with the Copyright Law of the United States, we do not permit the use of copyrighted images on the Site without a written agreement to assign exclusive or non-exclusive copyrights.
#8 Use of Links to Third-Party Resources
The editorial staff of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi in the blog articles provide links to third-party information resources that are official or verified sources, confirming the reliability of the information presented in the material. However, we are not responsible for the information submitted on these resources and are not responsible for its validity, accuracy, reliability, and relevance.
The editorial staff may select specific sites as priority responses to search queries you enter, and allow advertisers to respond to specific search queries with advertisements or sponsored content.
It is important to understand, however, that the HeyLocate.mobi Electronic Information System does not recommend or endorse the content on any third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content of any third-party Websites mentioned in our materials or any sites created to advertise products or services, third-party sites displayed as search results, or external advertisements. We make no warranty as to their content or accuracy. If you access or use third-party websites, you do so at your own risk and are personally responsible for your use of the third-party website, and you use it by the terms and conditions of use of that Site.
The heylocate.mobi electronic information system does not endorse any products advertised in the content of third-party websites.
#9 Checking the text
Each author of the article is responsible for the text they have written.
After writing, the material should be proofread and checked for grammatical, syntactical, spelling, semantic, and punctuation errors.
The article is then sent to the chief editor for review.
After the editor-in-chief’s review, articles on technical topics are checked for accuracy by members of the editorial team of technical experts of appropriate competence and specialization.
#10 Verification of text
Each article on the blog is subject to verification by an authorized technical expert who is a member of the editorial team of technical experts of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi.
Blog articles must be authentic, reliable, contain only evidence-based data, and be accompanied by links to primary sources (official and verified sources).
Each article includes the author of the article and a technical expert reviewer.
Each article is accompanied by the “Verified” status.
#11 Guarantees
The electronic information system heylocate.mobi guarantees the published content’s uniqueness, relevance, usefulness, and information content.
Each article, instruction, and product description goes through three steps of verification:
- Verification by the author.
- Review by the editor-in-chief.
- Review by a technical expert in the relevant specialty.
Each article must conform to morality, ethics, and public utility standards.
Controversial issues
Any technical and scientific information submitted in the blog articles cannot contain unsupported information that contradicts the official scientific data.
If there is currently no reliable and unequivocally proven data, if the topic is controversial and the opinions of technical experts and scientists differ on the issue covered, then the material must indicate the issue’s controversial nature. Such an article should contain a disclaimer from the editorial board explaining the lack of proof of the problem.
The blog of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi includes not only technical topics but also topics of an entertainment nature. In this case, the information contained in unscientific articles is only informative, may not coincide with the editorial board’s opinion, and is not intended to offend the reader with a different standpoint. Entertainment information makes no claim to truthfulness or validity, and may be merely one of the world’s current opinions and ideologies.
Conflict of Interest
The electronic information system heylocate.mobi collaborates with technical experts: engineers, developers, marketers, and journalists. Such cooperation can, in some aspects, imply a conflict of interest.
It could be a conflict of interest if some of them are employed by the electronic information system heylocate.mobi and receive remuneration for their work, which could affect their positioning and presentation of information in the Site’s content.
The electronic information system heylocate.mobi is not responsible for each specialist’s opinion and positioning. However, it tries to minimize the untrue or unhelpful information for the Website visitors by refusing to publish such articles.
Published content should be useful for the education of readers and not harmful to their mental health.
Developers and other professionals in the field of telecommunications and social media cooperate with electronic information system heylocate.mobi on a charitable basis and do not receive financial compensation for their activities, which does not exclude, but significantly reduces the conflict of interest.
If you see untrue, outdated, or incorrect content on the Site, please get in touch with the editorial team, and we will take immediate steps to correct the inaccuracies on the Site.
Collaboration and Feedback
The electronic information system heylocate.mobi offers cooperation to technical experts: journalists and developers of various specializations. Experts willing to cooperate can become part of the editorial team of technical experts of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi.
The activity of technical experts includes three directions:
- proofreading, checking, making edits, and approving texts written by the authors of the Website’s editorial team;
- writing their copyrighted materials with their subsequent publication on the Site’s blog;
- reviewing the most relevant and important issues for the Site’s readers.
To agree on cooperation, write to the support email of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi, marked “Editor-in-chief”: support@heylocate.mobi.
For feedback on the materials of the Site, you should contact at the above postal address.
We strive to provide the most accurate information in the materials published on this Site, including instructions and blog articles, to answer visitors’ questions in as much detail and accuracy as possible. While we endeavor to provide scientifically accurate and reliable information, we make no warranties about our content and accept no responsibility for its continued use by visitors of this Site.
Please be aware that the information published on the Site is not an action guide and is for informational purposes only.
The editorial office of the electronic information system heylocate.mobi is not responsible for inappropriate use of information by visitors of the Site.