Parental Controls

What are Parental controls?

Parental controls are a helpful collection of tools and features specifically crafted to assist parents in keeping an eye on and guiding their children’s internet activities. They enable parents to establish limits, sift through content, and restrict access to particular features or websites, all with the aim of fostering a more secure online space for their little ones.

An infographic defining parental controls with illustrations of a parent and child using devices with control settings

The Need for Parental Controls

The internet has become easily accessible, and children now have unparalleled access to a wealth of information and online platforms. As a result, the need for parental controls has become more important than ever. Numerous studies have revealed that kids can encounter inappropriate content, such as explicit material and violence, which can have lasting detrimental effects on their well-being. In addition, parental controls play a vital role in safeguarding against cyberbullying and online harassment.

A Circle of Safety: The array of parental control features designed to protect children's online interactions
A circular diagram illustrating the various features of parental controls, from location tracking to managing screen time and media consumption

Methods of Implementing Parental Controls

Behavioral ControlSet up time limits and content restrictions for your child’s online activities to prevent excessive screen time and reduce the chance of stumbling upon inappropriate material. This creates a safe and healthy digital environment for your child.
Psychological GuidanceEngage in open communication and provide guidance to influence your child’s online behavior positively. Encourage responsibility and critical thinking to help them make better decisions.
Add-on SoftwareInstall user-friendly software on computers or mobile devices that enables you to filter content based on preset or customized settings. This adds an extra layer of protection for your child’s online experience.
Monitoring APIsUse tools that track and analyze your child’s online activities, giving you valuable insights into their digital behavior and helping you make informed decisions about their internet usage.
Password ProtectionSet up passwords to restrict access to specific websites or applications, ensuring that only authorized users, can open them.
Proxy ServersIt can be used to bypass parental controls by redirecting internet traffic through a different server, allowing children to access blocked websites by masking their IP address.
Computer Usage Management ToolsAllow parents to regulate gaming time, enforce breaks, and introduce educational components to their child’s computer usage.
Network-based Parental Control DevicesImplement devices like firewalls, packet filtering, DNS RPZ (Response Policy Zones), and DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) for a comprehensive approach to parental controls. These devices monitor and control internet traffic at the network level, providing an additional layer of security.

Parental Controls on Mobile Devices

With the proliferation of mobile devices, parental controls on these devices have become increasingly important. Mobile parental controls have evolved from carrier solutions to built-in operating system features. In addition to built-in features, specific applications are available that cater to monitoring and managing children’s mobile device usage.

Overcoming Parental Controls

Despite the advancements in parental control technologies, determined children may find ways to bypass these restrictions. Common methods used to bypass parental controls include using proxy servers, virtual private networks (VPNs), or accessing the internet through public Wi-Fi networks.

Critique and Considerations of Parental Controls

While parental controls are a valuable tool in ensuring children’s safety online, they are not a substitute for open communication and education. It is essential to recognize that parental controls should not be used to exert excessive control or limit a child’s autonomy. Research has shown that excessive control can negatively affect a child’s behavior and psychological well-being.


  1. Parental controls – Wikipedia
  2. Parental controls | How to keep your child safe | eSafety Commissioner
  3. Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC
  4. Parental controls | Childnet
  5. How to Set up Parental Controls on all Devices
  6. What are parental controls and do they work? | By Stefan Ionescu published June 22, 2023 TechRadar
  7. Family Guide to Parental Controls | Aug 23, 2023 ConnectSafely

Additional Resources